“I am thankful for nights that turned into days, friends that turned into family, and dreams that turned into reality.” - unknown
Above all else, I am thankful for my loved ones. The family and friends with whom I share my life bring such wonderful richness and joy to each day. I know I am fortunate to have such a close and loving family, and such dear friends. I am so grateful that I've had the chance to be a step-father and for what wonderful men our sons are becoming. When my days are hard, family and friends help me to stay strong, make the tough times easier, and remind me that it’s also OK to take a break when I need to. When the days are good to me, sharing them with my dear ones makes each accomplishment more meaningful, and each joy sweeter.
The very best part of my luck is that I get to share this life with my wonderful partner, Sue. I am grateful beyond words that she chose me and agreed to be my wife, and for her love. Over the past sixteen-plus years I have found my way home to my family, seen the greatest opportunities in my career, had the chance to serve on the Board of Directors for SHARE, and we have found beloved friends there. Sue has stood by me and helped bring each new joy to our lives. In fact, I’m quite convinced that most of these best things in my life would not have been possible without her love and support. She is wonderful and I am grateful.
I am so grateful for the wonderful meaning and comfort of friendship in my life. Sue and I were friends for many years before we found our way to being partners, and beloved friends bring such love and joy into our lives each day. By sharing music, art, wilderness, work, and play with friends, these special parts of our lives become richer and even more meaningful. When we share each other's grief and happiness, joy grows and pain is easier to bear. With our friends, laughter fills our homes and travels with us, and the peace and comfort of our quiet times together is warm and sweet. The Irish say that the eye of a friend is a good mirror and I know that’s true. The eyes of my dearest friends, including my dear Sue, hold a beauty and meaning beyond any other I’ve ever known.
I am thankful for the peace and beauty of wilderness. I find a connection to our universe and to wonder when I look up into the night sky, walk among the forests and mountains, gaze into sunrise or sunset, or listen to the music of water in the surf, rain, waterfalls and streams, and in the silence of the lake. I am thankful for the beauty and meaning brought into our world by the artists, writers and musicians. They give us the chance to experience the natural world, and the world of thoughts and feelings through their eyes, ears, and minds throughout history. Sharing an art museum, music, or a book with a friend is one of my favorite things.
I’m grateful for my career. Having work that allows me to support my family and gives us the chance to live the life we do is a great blessing. They say you make your own luck, and I’ve worked hard to earn this living with the support of a wonderful partner. Still, I don’t take the opportunities I’ve had for granted. My parents gave me the chance to get a good education and I’ve had mentors, and training, that helped me make the most of those opportunities. We have plenty to eat, a safe and beautiful place to live, the ability to give our sons opportunities like those our parents provided for us, and the chance to travel to see our loved ones, and to share beautiful places and experiences with them. We are so very fortunate.
I’m thankful for the way that volunteering has enriched my life. The work I’ve done at SHARE and in Yosemite has given me so much satisfaction and allowed me to grow in ways I never expected I would. For me, the volunteer work in my life has been even more meaningful than the work I’ve done to earn my living. Arthur Ashe said, “From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” I know he was right.
In both my professional and volunteer careers, I have been fortunate to have wonderful colleagues. I am glad to have shared the work with these intelligent, skilled, and dedicated people. I have enjoyed learning from them, mentoring and being mentored by them, and sometimes playing together when the work was done. I am so very grateful that I have had the opportunity to work with them and to make a difference in my life. Ultimately, the greatest satisfaction in any work we do comes from knowing the results of that work matter by helping to achieve meaningful goals.
Today, I am healthy and so very thankful for that. Over the past three years, I’ve survived a head-on collision and later recovered from an illness that limited my ability to work for over six months. These experiences have given me an even greater appreciation for all I have to be thankful for in my life. My loved ones were there for me each step of the way and are there for me always. I’ve returned to health ever more aware of the love I feel for them.
I am grateful that my days are filled with so much happiness. We each have our struggles, and I have mine. I find my way through the darkness and it helps me see the light in all its brightness. I’m glad to have such wonderful support from my loved one when darkness falls. Ultimately, I am a happy man, and mine is a happy life.
Most of all, I am thankful for love. Nothing is more important and love runs through everything that matters to me. Best of all, love brings me close to all those who matter most in my life. Together we share the inexpressible joy of seeing babies being born, watching children exploring this world of wonders and relationships, and seeing them grow into adults. We live our lives sharing love together as friends, and we share our journeys as lovers growing older together. When everything else is done, I believe that love goes on forever beyond the end of space and time and for that I will be eternally grateful.
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